How Do You Know if a Married Man Is Using You

Young Man During Serious Telephone Conversation On Background Of Disappointed Girl

When you love someone or have a crazy crush, it's natural to forgive their flaws. But what happens when the flaws yous are overlooking are the signs he'due south using y'all?

Being used by a guy is one of the worst feelings in the world, especially when yous believed you had given each other your hearts.

  • Is he using me for sex?
  • Is he using me for money?
  • Does he really dear me, or is he using me?

This article will answer those questions and more than. Keep reading to find out signs he's using y'all and learn how to cease being used in a relationship.

20 signs a homo is using you

Here are listed twenty signs a human is using you lot. Read on to know if yous have been observing any of these signs in your relationship, and accept appropriate activeness to save yourself from the distress.

ane. He doesn't put in any endeavor

Is he using me for sex or money?

One sign that he is coming from his actions, or lack thereof!

If he doesn't put whatever endeavor into his advent, impressing you, romancing you, or making plans to see you, take this as a relationship red flag .

two. He won't talk most commitment

Take you always tried to talk to your guy about the hereafter ?

If he's giving vague answers about your future together or seems to avoid the topic altogether, it could mean that he isn't planning on sticking around for very long.

3. He doesn't engage you in conversation

Research published by Harvard University institute that beingness curious about your partner is what keeps the fire alive in a relationship.

If your boyfriend doesn't appoint you in conversation or seem curious nearly yous and your life, it could exist a sign that he just wants sex from you.

4. He merely calls yous for one thing

Is he using me for sex? One of the biggest signs he's using you is if he merely ever comes over for one affair- sex!

As much as you are crushing over your guy, if he's only sending you tardily-nighttime booty calls, odds are he does not return your warm and fuzzy feelings.

5. You don't know his friends or family

Close couples want to get to know each other, and that includes coming together close friends and family.

If you've been together for a while and you still haven't met his friends, at that place could be a shady reason why. Perhaps you are the "other adult female," or his friends have no idea that y'all exist.

six. He doesn't check-in when you're apart

How tin I be sure my boyfriend used me?

One of the signs he'south using y'all can be seen in his texting behavior.

Someone who cares most you is going to engage yous in chat. He's going to transport y'all beautiful messages and try to brand you express joy .

If you're finding "he ever talks sexually to me" when he texts you or he never goes out of his way to go on in bear on throughout the day, your homo is probably using you.

seven. He's selfish

Portrait Of Proud Haughty Handsome Bearded Young Man In Blue Casual Style Shirt Standing

Is he using me? Signs he's using yous oftentimes include selfish behavior.

  • He doesn't care about your feelings
  • He just wants sex
  • He's a selfish lover who doesn't care about your pleasure

If y'all suspect your vanquish or fellow is a narcissist , do yourself a favor and run equally fast equally you lot can in the opposite management.

8. There is no courtship

When a guy is into yous, he wants to accept y'all out on the boondocks and show yous off. He wants to romance y'all and show you lot a fun fourth dimension out.

On the other manus, a guy who is using you lot isn't going to bother spending money on you. There won't be any dates, romantic surprises , or sweet nothings whispered in your ear.

9. He doesn't have empathy for you

How to know if a guy is using you lot or likes you all comes down to how he treats you lot. One of the big signs he'south using you lot is if he doesn't take empathy.

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes.

If he doesn't respect or sympathize your feelings , he's a jerk who y'all are amend off without.

10. Yous are his depository financial institution business relationship

Is my boyfriend using me financially? This one is pretty piece of cake to effigy out.

If you're wondering, "Is he using me for money?" all you have to practise is look at his by behavior.

  • He always hints that he needs coin for bills
  • He is unemployed
  • He lets you pay for his dinner
  • He asks for money and never pays yous back

These are all obvious signs that all he wants from yous is your cash.

11. Y'all don't know each other

Is he using me for sexual activity?

To become the answer, accept a look at how well you know each other .

Do you share personal stories and feelings, or is your time usually spent watching television or exploring the concrete side of your relationship?

If yous don't know anything personal about your human, it is a sign that your relationship is non as deep equally you thought it was.

12. You doubtable you're his side slice

Infidelity hurts. I inquiry text shows that of 73 adults studied, 45.ii% reported infidelity-related PTSD symptoms after being cheated on.

Signs that you are the other woman include:

  • He never sleeps over
  • He takes phone calls in another room
  • He'south always texting another adult female
  • You've never (or rarely) been to his house
  • He keeps y'all off his socials
  • He doesn't accept pictures with y'all
  • You don't go out in public together
  • He has multiple phones

If you doubtable he has another girlfriend , take it as a red flag that you are being used in a relationship.

13. He doesn't communicate

Upset Disappointed Man Is Angry At His Woman After Fight And Waiting For Apology, Confused Woman Apologizing And Consoles Her Annoyed Boyfriend.

Is he using me for money or sex? A human who tin't seem to communicate (or doesn't WANT to communicate with yous) is one of the big signs he'due south using you.

Communication is how you deepen your bond, especially in a new relationship. If your beau doesn't want to open up up or problem-solve with you, it may exist a sign he'south non every bit into the human relationship as you are.

14. You never become out on real dates

Some other sign that may make you inquire, "Is my swain using me?" is if the two of you never seem to go out the bedchamber.

If your beau'southward thought of a perfect appointment night is Netflix and Chill, then he'south made it clear that he isn't going to put whatever try into your 'relationship' than is necessary.

15. He'south always asking you for something

Is my young man using me financially?

Is he using me for sex?

Is he using me to pass the fourth dimension?

The biggest sign he's using you is if he'south always request for something. Whether he comes over and he only wants sex, or he'southward constantly dropping hints about how broke he is, take it as a warning.

xvi. You tin can feel it in your gut

One of the stronger signs that he is using yous is your intuition.

Your gut feeling is your body'south manner of telling you lot to exist careful. It'south your instinct designed to protect your emotional and physical wellbeing.

If you can't milk shake the feeling that something is off in your relationship, it may be time to investigate what's really going on.

17. He doesn't seem to intendance about your feelings

Did he love me or apply me?

Blatant signs he'southward using you tin be seen by the way he treats you . If he just wants sex and never asks y'all how you're doing – take it as a bad sign.

Someone who is invested in y'all is going to be considerate of your feelings and will care what's going on in your life.

eighteen. He has a reputation for using girls

There's something to be said for giving someone the benefit of the uncertainty. Gossip is non to be trusted and often comes from unreputable information.

However, if your man has a public reputation for using women for sexual activity, coin, or just to pass the time, information technology may exist a rumor worth your attention.

xix. He ghosts y'all

Did your human relationship have a turn that you never saw coming? I of the large signs he's using you is if he cuts off all contact with y'all without an explanation.

Much like a ghost , a man who is not interested in you will terminate answering your calls and texts, remove yous from social media, and avoid you in person without telling yous why.

xx. He never goes out of his mode for you

Is he using me for sexual practice? One tip on how to test a guy to see if he really loves y'all is to take note of what he'due south willing to do for you.

We're non saying a human should bend over backward for you every minute of the solar day, but if he cares about you, he'll desire to exist there for you lot when you need him.

                      Also Attempt:                                Is He Using Me Quiz                  

How to finish being used past a guy?

Side View Portrait Of A Pensive Serious Woman Looking Through A Window At Home In A Sad Day

Is he using me? If you meet warning signs from the list above, odds are YES; he is using you.

Now that yous know the signs he's using you, it'southward time to make a game programme for your romantic future.

Things you can do to learn how to end existence used past a guy are:

  • Ditch anyone in your life who makes yous experience like your simply purpose is to serve them – including your boyfriend.
  • Accept responsibility for the part you lot play – Acknowledge any missteps that have led you lot to engagement players and correct them.
  • Develop self-love and boost your conviction – this volition help reinforce the belief that you deserve more than to be used.
  • Is he using me for money? If yous suspect yep, tell him y'all are not his personal bank account.
  • Don't hunt someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings.
  • Learn the signs for how to know if a guy is using you or likes you.
  • Put your foot down – develop boundaries and don't stop until your boyfriend shows you respect.
  • Know when enough is enough – existence solitary is amend than being with someone who manipulates and uses y'all.
  • If he only wants sex, ditch him.
  • Communicate openly and be articulate about what you lot're looking for in a relationship
  • Appointment – don't be sectional with someone until you see that they respect and care about you .

Follow the steps above on how to end beingness used by a guy, and you lot'll be on your mode to a happy, salubrious future.

                      Related Reading:                                How to Tell If He Really Likes Yous or It'due south Just a Fling                  


Being used past a guy is something that no adult female should experience.

Signs of being used in a relationship include merely getting haul calls, never talking nigh commitment , and not developing a deep connection to your spouse.

Why did he use me?

This is a question we cannot respond, only we can provide clarity on dealing with being used past a human being and moving on to a happier future.

Yous can learn how to become over being used by a guy past developing cocky-love and confidence , only dating men who respect you, and being clear about what y'all're looking from in a partner.

We hope you lot've learned all you need to know about the top signs he's using you.

As well Lookout man:


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